
How to Fix REGISTRY_ERROR Blue Screen Errors (0x00000051)?

REGISTRY_ERROR Blue Screen Errors (0x00000051) is a Blue Screen of Death error that starts appearing and crashing your system due to registry database issues. 

This error will shut down or reboot your PC/Laptop unexpectedly and after the restart, it will display a Blue Screen Window with the detailed info about REGISTRY_ERROR and stop code 0x00000051. 

If you are unable to operate your PC or laptop due to this error message then don’t worry as you can easily deal with this issue. Simply follow the below-given solution and make your PC error free. 

Some Common REGISTRY_ERROR Blue Screen Errors

  • “REGISTRY_ERROR” appears and crashes the active program window.
  • "STOP Error 0x51: REGISTRY_ERROR" is displayed.
  • A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. The problem seems to be caused by the following file:
  • Your PC frequently crashes with Error 0x51 when running the same program.
  • “The REGISTRY_ERROR bug check has a value of 0x00000051. This indicates that a severe registry error has occurred.” is displayed.
  • Windows runs sluggishly and responds slowly to mouse or keyboard input.
  • Your computer periodically “freezes” for a few seconds at a time.

Windows Registry actually a system file that can store all information about the system and the application files which install into the computer system. It can store information such as where the application programs and their icons are stored, all information about DLL files, all information about the drivers, and store the list of all start-menu shortcuts. Everything user does in windows is recorded in the registry file. The all recent activities of the user are saved in it such as path of open documents (images, songs, and videos), list of recently installed and uninstalled programs. All information stored in the registry in the form of keys. 

Registry file stores more than thousands of entries, and when the user does any task then new entry are created. When the registry file becomes huge then it also slows down all activity of the computer system, sometimes it display registry related errors, it also displays some error when user want to install and uninstall any application programs, pc takes more time to start up, Restarts PC when an application program is executed. 

So to increase the performance of the computer you need to clear the unwanted registry keys from your computer system. But if any error occurred while cleaning the registry keys then it affects your windows operating system that may require reinstalling of the operating system.

Also Read: How the error “The game could not start” on Xbox 360 can be fixed?
You can clean your system registry keys manually, but at your own risk because one wrong step can corrupt your computer system. 

[Automatic Solution] Cleaning windows Registry keys using Registry Repair Software:

To repair your Windows Registry file and to increase your system performance you can use Registry Repair tool. This tool is very efficient and removes all unwanted registry keys from the windows. It will also repair the key value of the windows registry file. This tool can repair the all registry error of your computer system and make your PC error free.  

Cleaning your windows Registry keys manually:

NOTE: Create a backup of your Registry file and then do any removing task on the registry file.  

Click on start menu- select Run- Type regedit and press enter.

Registry file will be open delete the unwanted keys from the registry file carefully. 


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