
How to Easily Fix any DLL Errors in Windows 8, 8.1?

The .dll system errors are quiet frustrating as it unfortunately comes into your system and sometimes it even causes Windows 8 crash issues and other malfunctions that can mess up your Windows system badly.

If you are also the one who is facing this kind of issue in your windows8, or Windows 8.1 DLL errors and want to solve this problem safely then don’t get panic and check the guidelines from below where all the necessary tips to avoid such issue is discussed though you can also apply the same for Windows 7 or Windows Vista platforms.

This problem mainly arises while installing new programs, software or apps or when trying to run a new game. Generally incompatibility problems is been addressed which can be solved with a simple update, but sometimes you might even dealing with hardware errors or with registry issues. Anyway, try the steps from below in order to troubleshoot your Windows 8 system and how to fix the x.live.dll protocol.

How to Easily Fix any DLL Windows 8 Errors

Follow this to avoid .dll error issues:
Don’t download DLL files from DLL download sources as you can end up in damaging your device – after which you will surely need to reinstall your Windows 8 system and you might lose all of your personal data.
Sometimes you might have removed the DLL file without noticing it; in that matter check your Recycle Bin or use free, or paid file recovery program.
Your Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 device might be infected, so it will be better that you scan it with a dedicated software tool like antivirus or anti-malware. This can also fix other issues from your computer, tablet or laptop.
  • Another option you can use the Windows 8 System Restore feature in order to fix the DLL problems.
  • Try to uninstall and reinstall the programs or the software through which you are getting the .dll alert
  • On your Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 device open a command prompt window and type sfc / scannow and then press enter. 

If the above mentioned solution doesn’t work for you then you can go with the third party repair tool that makes your Windows system DLL error free. To fix this .dll error problem you must go with the DLL repair tool as it easily fix any type of DLL errors without affecting your compute and its installed applications.

Its user interface is very cleverly designed that contain lots of graphical signs. So the user doesn’t need any professional or programming knowledge to operate this tool. After few minutes your system will become like a new computer because it also improve the performance of your PC.


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